
Guest Blog by Igor Dayen, SP Product and Solutions Marketing


Optical transport has been transformed as integrated high-performance Digital Signal Processing has enabled vendors such as Cisco to squeeze more capacity at greater distances than ever before. Advanced modulation techniques and Forward Error Correction are now commonly deployed. Cisco NCS 2000 platform can drive up to 140 channels, ranging up to 200 Gbps each, with the ability to drive 100 Gbps channels to over 4000 km.

Now we’re seeing the same concept appear in the cable space as DOCIS 3.1 sets the stage for new levels of both HFC throughput and capacity optimization. Imagine being able to get an extra 20%-30% of bandwidth out of your existing cable plant without replacing it? DOCIS 3.1 promises to make this a reality.

Cisco’s flagship cable access router, the Cisco cBR-8 Converged Broadband Router was architected from the start to support both DOCSIS 3.0 and make a simple in-place transition to DOCSIS 3.1.

Hear Cisco Fellow John Chapman discuss how DOCSIS 3.1 will help transform cable from an inflexible hardware centric network to an optimized software-defined network.

If you’d like to learn more there’s an opportunity for hands-on experience at SCTE Cable Tech Expo 2015. Taking place October 13 – 16, 2015 in New Orleans we’ll have the Cisco cBR-8 Cisco’s CCAP solution. Plus get ready to test your IP Knowledge at the Cisco-sponsored SCTE IP Challenge event on Tuesday, October 13.

For a full list of speaking engagements at SCTE click here.

See you at the show!

Follow the hashtags, #SCTEexpo & #IPChallenge on Twitter and tweet us @CiscoSPVideo if you have any questions or comments.