What’s in a name? As it turns out, a lot.
A television commercial comes to mind. It’s the scene of a bank robbery, and alarms are blaring overhead. Two people have taken cover on the floor, and they look up at a nearby security guard who’s standing there cool and calm — and doing absolutely nothing.
They whisper up to him: “Hey, aren’t you going to do anything?”
“No,” he replies in a matter-of-fact tone. “I’m just a security monitor. I’m here to spot robberies. Oh, and there’s a robbery going on right now.”
The two people on the floor look at each other in stunned disbelief. They are amazed that the security “monitor” is just going to stand there and watch as the burglar gets away.
Visibility is important, but so is Response
There’s nothing funny about bank robberies — or cyberattacks for that matter. In cybersecurity, things are not as simple or clear as that bank robbery. It’s hard to know if you’re even under attack. That’s why it’s absolutely essential to have visibility into cyberattacks so that you know immediately when they’re happening. And that need for visibility is exactly why, at first, we used the name Cisco Visibility.
Of course, there’s a lot more to incident response than being able to see what’s happening. When attacks strike, you want action. Cisco Threat Response does so much more than offer visibility. It’s about action. It’s about responding to threats. That’s why we chose the new name. We think it captures not only what it is today, but also the many exciting innovations that we have planned for the near future.
Bottom line: What’s in the name? A lot.
Cisco Threat Response gets you more from your Cisco Security investments
Don’t think of Cisco Threat Response as another product to buy. It’s a key part of our integrated security portfolio, designed to give you even more value from what you’ve already gotten from us. There are several integrations available today, and many more coming in the future. For years we’ve made great strides in security that works together, and this is our latest innovation.
Take two minutes to watch this cool video:
Would you like to learn more? Head over to our Cisco Threat Response page at www.cisco.com/go/threatresponse or contact your security account team today.
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Great discussion
An airplane made from the parts of 50 other airplanes was your best marketing to describe what is wrong with your offering. Some good stuff in there, but you really need to turn most of it into services, and create a single user interface which allow us the user to pick what data element associations we want. I spend 98.8% of my time closing out false positive alerts, and the remaining time manually trying to figure out what is going on as I just from screen offering to screen offering….
Billy, thanks for reading and for sharing your thoughts. Have you had a chance to see or use Cisco Threat Response? I think you’ll be delighted with how fast you can investigate and respond, much like you’ve just described. Of course there’ a lot more coming too. If you haven’t already, let your Cisco account team show you what Threat Response is all about.