Cisco Threat Research Blog
Threat intelligence for Cisco Products
We detect, analyze, and protect customers from both known and unknown emerging threats
Vulnerability Spotlight: Tarantool Denial of Service Vulnerabilities
Vulnerabilities discovered by Talos
Talos is disclosing two denial of service vulnerabilities (CVE-2016-9036 & CVE-2016-9037) in Tarantool. Tarantool is an open-source lua-based application server. While primarily functioning as an application server, it is also capable of providing database-like features and providing an in-memory database which can be queried using a protocol based around the MsgPack serialization format. Tarantool is used by various service providers such as Mail.RU, or Badoo.
In the Eye of the Hailstorm
This blog post was authored by Jakob Dohrmann, David Rodriguez, and Jaeson Schultz.
The Cisco Talos and Umbrella research teams are deploying a distributed hailstorm detection system which brings together machine learning, stream processing of DNS requests and the curated Talos email corpus.
Talos has discussed snowshoe spam before. Traditional snowshoe spam campaigns are sent from a large number of IP addresses, and a low volume of spam email per IP address. Using such techniques, snowshoe spammers intend to fly under the radar with respect to any reputation or volume-based metrics that could be applied by anti-spam systems. This post concerns “hailstorm” spam. Hailstorm spam is an evolution of snowshoe spam. Both snowshoe and hailstorm spam are sent using a large number of sender IP addresses, but unlike snowshoe spam, hailstorm campaigns are sent out in very high volume over a short timespan. In fact, some hailstorm spam attacks end just around the time the fastest traditional anti-spam defenses can update in response.
The images below, taken from Umbrella Investigate, nicely illustrate the difference between a typical snowshoe spam campaign versus a typical hailstorm spam campaign. The top image below illustrates what the DNS query volume looks like for a domain involved in a typical snowshoe attack. Note the maximum query rate is only 35 queries per hour for the snowshoe domain example. The bottom graph, in contrast, shows the DNS query volume for a domain involved in a typical hailstorm attack. In this graph, there is practically no query volume until suddenly when the DNS query volume spikes to over 75K queries per hour, then drops back down to nothing.
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Typical DNS query volume patterns for traditional snowshoe spam (top) vs. hailstorm spam (bottom). |
Microsoft Patch Tuesday – December 2016
The final patch Tuesday of 2016 has arrived. Today, Microsoft has released their monthly set of security bulletins designed to address security vulnerabilities within their products. This month’s release contains 12 bulletins addressing 48 vulnerabilities. Six bulletins are rated critical and address vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer, Edge, Microsoft Graphics Components, Microsoft Uniscribe, and Adobe Flash Player. The remaining seven bulletins are rated important and address vulnerabilities in various Windows components including kernel, crypto driver, and installer.
Vulnerability Spotlight: Joyent SmartOS
Vulnerability discovered by Tyler Bohan
Talos is disclosing a series of vulnerabilities in Joyent SmartOS, specifically in the Hyprlofs filesystem. SmartOS is an open source hypervisor that is based on a branch of Opensolaris. Hyperlofs is a SmartOS in-memory filesystem that allows users to map files from various different locations under a single namespace. Additionally, hyperlofs allows the creation of new virtual file systems quickly and easily. There are three core vulnerabilities that are being disclosed. However, since they are found in both the 32 and 64-bit versions there are a total of six CVE related to six Talos reports. For all of the vulnerabilities discussed an attacker would need the PRIV_HYPRLOFS_CONTROL privilege in order for them to be exploitable.
Floki Bot Strikes, Talos and Flashpoint Respond
This blog post was authored by Ben Baker, Edmund Brumaghin, Mariano Graziano, and Jonas Zaddach
Executive Summary
Floki Bot is a new malware variant that has recently been offered for sale on various darknet markets. It is based on the same codebase that was used by the infamous Zeus trojan, the source code of which was leaked in 2011. Rather than simply copying the features that were present within the Zeus trojan “as-is”, Floki Bot claims to feature several new capabilities making it an attractive tool for criminals. As Talos is constantly monitoring changes across the threat landscape to ensure that our customers remain protected as threats continue to evolve, we took a deep dive into this malware variant to determine the technical capabilities and characteristics of Floki Bot.
During our analysis of Floki Bot, Talos identified modifications that had been made to the dropper mechanism present in the leaked Zeus source code in an attempt to make Floki Bot more difficult to detect. Talos also observed the introduction of new code that allows Floki Bot to make use of the Tor network. However, this functionality does not appear to be active for the time being. Finally, through the use of the FIRST framework during the analysis process, Talos was able to quickly identify code/function reuse between Zeus and Floki Bot. This made sample analysis more efficient and decreased the amount of time spent documenting various functions present within the Floki Bot samples we analyzed.
Talos worked in collaboration with Flashpoint during the analysis of Floki Bot. This collaborative effort allowed Talos and Flashpoint to quickly communicate intelligence data related to active campaigns distributing Floki Bot as well as data regarding the technical functionality present within the malware. Additionally, Talos is making scripts available to the open source community that will help malware analysts automate portions of the Floki Bot analysis process and make the process of analyzing Floki Bot easier to perform.
Project FIRST: Share Knowledge, Speed up Analysis
Project FIRST is lead by Angel M. Villegas. This post is authored by Holger Unterbrink.
Talos is pleased to announce the release of the Function Identification and Recovery Signature Tool (FIRST). It is an open-source framework that allows sharing of knowledge about similar functions used across file types that IDA Pro can analyze. The aim is to create a community for the infosec analysts and reverse engineers that promotes the sharing of information.
The main idea behind FIRST is to preserve an engineer’s analysis of certain functions (name, prototype, comment, etc) by using methods like opcode hashing, mnemonic hashing, locality sensitive hashing, etc. By collecting and storing these signatures centrally the framework can provide them later to the community via the API/Plugin. The goal is to provide quick lookups for similar functions (see Fig. A) to avoid losing time with analysing a function which was already analysed before in another sample or by another engineer.
Cerber Spam: Tor All the Things!
This post authored by Nick Biasini and Edmund Brumaghin with contributions from Sean Baird and Andrew Windsor.
Executive Summary
Talos is continuously analyzing email based malware always looking at how adversaries change and the new techniques that are being added on an almost constant basis. Recently we noticed some novel ways that adversaries are leveraging Google and Tor2Web proxies to spread a ransomware variant, Cerber 5.0.1.
This particular campaign looks to have started on November 24th and has been ongoing for the past several days. This campaign did not use advanced techniques that we sometimes see used by adversaries that include well written, professional looking emails, with legitimate signature blocks or other identifying characteristics. In this campaign, the emails were anything but professional. However, they did vary significantly with what we typically see from a ransomware distribution perspective.
Today, spam based ransomware infections are heavily skewed toward Locky. The majority of spam messages we see today are affiliates producing large amounts of spam that leverage various types of script-based file extensions to download the Locky executable and infect systems. This campaign looked different in that the messages didn’t contain an attachment and were extremely short and basic. What we found was a potential next evolution for ransomware distribution that relies more heavily on Tor to obfuscate their activity and hinder the ability to shut down servers that are hosting the malicious content.
Talos Responsible Disclosure Policy Update
Responsible disclosure of vulnerabilities is a key aspect of security research. Often, the difficulty in responsible disclosure is balancing competing interests – assisting a vendor with patching their product and notifying the general public to prevent a 0-day situation. It is uncomfortable to acknowledge that if a white hat team has discovered a vulnerability in a high value target, it stands to reason their adversaries may also be trying to exploit the same issue. Researchers must carefully balance the needs and capabilities of vendors to fix a product with the safety and security of our customers and the community as a whole.
Talos has been measuring the timelines, industry responsiveness, and end results with regard to our responsible disclosure policy and today, we are announcing a few changes. The full text of the Vendor Vulnerability Reporting and Disclosure Policy can be found here: These changes include timeline adjustments based on vendor feedback and industry changes since we last addressed our Disclosure Policy.
Fareit Spam: Rocking Out to a New File Type
This post authored by Nick Biasini
Talos is constantly monitoring the threat landscape including the email threat landscape. Lately this landscape has been dominated with Locky distribution. During a recent Locky vacation Talos noticed an interesting shift in file types being used to distribute another well known malware family, Fareit.
We’ve discussed Fareit before, it’s a trojan used to steal credentials and distribute multiple different types of malware. The focus of this post will not be on Fareit but on a new way attackers are working to distribute it via email. Locky has been a case study in how to leverage different file extensions in email to distribute malware. The use of various file types such as .js, .wsf, and .hta have been used quite successfully for Locky. We’ve already noted other threats making use of .js for distribution largely due to Locky’s success. Recently we observed another uncommon file type associated with email and decided to dig a little further on the infection chain.
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