
CiscoChampion200PXbadge#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we’re talking about Cisco Cloud Web Security (CWS), which provides industry-leading security and control for the distributed enterprise. Users are protected everywhere, all the time when using CWS through Cisco worldwide threat intelligence, advanced threat defense capabilities, and roaming user protection. Our SME is John Davis, Cisco Technical Marketing Engineer.

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Cisco SME
John Davis, Cisco Technical Marketing Engineer

Cisco Champion Guest Hosts
Jake Gillen, @jakegillen, Senior Security Engineer
Ed Walsh, @vEddieW, Senior Consultant

Brian Remmel (@bremmel)

What is Cisco Cloud Web Security (CWS)
CWS and AUP Service
CWS security data processing
CWS Essentials and Premium
Advantages of CWS for more robust protection
CWS management tools and reports for end users
