#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we’re talking with Cisco Technical Marketing Engineer Craig Brown, about Cisco Modeling Labs. Lauren Friedman (@Lauren) moderates and Brad Haynes and Travis Newshott are this week’s Cisco Champion guest hosts.
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Cisco SME
Craig Brown, Cisco Technical Marketing Engineer
Cisco Champions
Travis Newshott, @tnewshott,Technical Architect at WWT
Brad Haynes, @GK_bradhaynes, Pre-Sales Engineer at Global Knowledge
What is Cisco Modeling Labs (CML)
CML Overview
CML “WOW” Features
Who would use CML
How CML evolved
CommsNinja Cisco Modeling Labs, because there’s a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking
GideonTam Let me see if I can ask this question: Will there be a best practice guide of CML deployment on UCS?
amyengineer did anyone already ask about scripting ability, being able to automate spinning up a certain topology? I might have missed it.
tnewshott si, yes
avalonhawk cross vendor compatibility will be key in my environment…as well as many others i would imagine
amyengineer thanks, I thought that might have been brought up. Missed a few minutes there…will listen to the recording later
CommsNinja cml-info
scottm32768 proof of concept
tnewshott yes, major use case imho scott
tnewshott how to leverage this to avoid needing 40 ISRs
avalonhawk agree completely for the PoC comments
Wendello Question for Craig: When is CML Corp Edition orderable, and when will the pricing be up in Cisco Marketplace?
CommsNinja @scottm – You wanna vocalize questions? I see you made it!
avalonhawk is IOS 15.4T the earliest code train that will be available for CML?
amyengineer does the CML team get a heads up and time for testing before a new IOS version for a product is released?
Guest 15 Training / certs is potentially huge (not market: fill vast need for Cisco skilled people. [Pete Welcher]
GideonTam Agree with Pete.
avalonhawk yes
CommsNinja @amy – There was a verb or something missing… so I guessed
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