
#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we’re talking about IWAN deployments with Cisco Communications Architect David Prall. Lauren Friedman (@Lauren) moderates and Sven Kutzer and Rikard Strid are this week’s Cisco Champion guest hosts.

Listen to the Podcast

cisco_champions BADGE_200x200Learn about the Cisco Champions Program HERE.
See a list of all #CiscoChampion Radio podcasts HERE.

Cisco SME
David Prall, @pralldc, Communications Architect

Cisco Champions
Sven Kutzer @svenkutzer, Senior Systems Engineer
Rikard Strid, @rikardstrid, Founder thingk.me, Clayster AB

What is IWAN – the 4 Pillars
Recent IWAN Deployments
What Sven and Rikard have learned from their IWAN deployments

Deploying Cisco Intelligent WAN

bwhaynes welcome sven..what time is it there
CommsNinja CVDs for WAN: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/solutions/enterprise/design-zone-branch-wan/cvd_ent_wan.html#~Validated
dprall http://www.cisco.com/go/iwan
CommsNinja IWAN Design Guide (my google’fu is working) http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/solutions/collateral/enterprise-networks/intelligent-wan/guide-c07-731952.htm
CommsNinja IWAN Weekend!
bwhaynes Do you feel the Intelligent ROI cost savings calculator is a good tool https://cisco.impliedlogic.com/models/iwan ?
CommsNinja All – if you want to ask a Q lmk and I’ll unmute you!
CommsNinja or if you just want to add insight, ideas, suggestions, etc
CommsNinja @rikardstrid thanks for joining!!!
Billyc5022 Managing/Monitoring really requires LiveAction or Glue Networks…
skutzer Huge Things to learn with PfRv2 & v3 from my Side…
bwhaynes Brad here: What role does security play in this environment? I see Cisco Cloud Web Security mentioned in the product slide decks.
dprall BRKRST-2362 from CiscoLive for PfR information.
WirelessStew thanks everyone
aconaway Thanks, guys!
aconaway That was very informative.
CommsNinja @aconway – that’s what we try to do… BE INFORMATIVE!
bwhaynes excellent session….a few more acronyms added to my list
ciscokima Nicely done.
WirelessStew Great Chat everyone… need to head to my next call