
Our joint sales and marketing teams are more aligned than ever. This week we’re talking about what’s making that possible and:

  • The next step in delivering on *the* three strategic imperatives
  • Revenue, revenue, revenue with a side of digital transformation
  • We’re talking about you. Again.


Putting digital transformation into perspective for sales and marketing

We talk a lot about changing market dynamics, new consumption models, and how digital is changing everything. This week Wendy Bahr, SVP, Worldwide Partner Organization, puts it all into perspective.

In her blog, Wendy expands on how the team is delivering on three strategic imperatives (quick, name them!), how sales and marketing are more aligned than ever, and how our brand campaign sparks new conversations and drives sales.

Get involved in the conversation


Still wondering what those 3 imperatives are? Read Wendy’s blog.


Revenue: get more of it and make it reoccur

Do you want to create high value, high margin services? (If your answer is no skip the next section.)

One way to achieve this is by becoming a lifecycle advisor or integrator. Grace Lo, Director of Programs, Global Partner Organization, elaborates on the link between software, these new roles, and how it all connects to revenue in this blog.

Another way to achieve this is to know when you stand the best chance of getting the most revenue. Quick quiz: your opportunity to increase revenue happens (a) at the early phase of customer engagement (b) after customer adoption.

The answer – and how to use this information to create more revenue – is answered by Senior Director of Global Customer Success, Ed Daly. To find out more read his blog and register for his webinar coming up on May 31st.




Ending on a high note (a-la George Costanza)

Did you see this video earlier this week?!?! We’re talking once again to customers about how you, our partners, can help them.


And to answer the question on everyone’s mind, find out what happens when you cross a rhino with digital infrastructure, hybrid cloud, and security solutions:

What’s next?

The partner weekly rewind and fast forward is designed to give you a snapshot of what you missed and what’s to come. Tell us what you think and what you want to hear about in the comments. And come back next week for more!