
I often get asked by partners how we work in industries.  Those conversations start with partners asking us about our sales offers (think of these as the industry message and use case that driving the architectures), then they want to know about trends, and then finally, the question is how we work with our ecosystem (ISV and Digital Systems Integrators).  For me, I do this nearly every day of the week in several industries, especially in the retail space. Maybe it’s because of the size of the retail industry, maybe it’s the complexity of the use cases and ecosystem, maybe it’s the massive digital transformation that’s happening in that industry, but regardless it’s a discussion that is being had often and now partner practice leaders are emerging, expanding and reaching out to Cisco to garner for information in retail.

To solve this, we are hosting a Partner “Practice Leader” event on May 9th in New York City (hosted at the Cisco office and followed by a similar session on May 10th focused on the Financial Industry).  The practice leader event for retail is designed to share the Cisco point of view with the partners.  Provide the partners with a comprehensive view of our sales offers and architectures for this industry.  Expose the partner ecosystem and how we interlock to those ISV partners and start to look at the right type of investment required to go deeper in the retail industry.  Registration for this event can be found here: http://cisco.cvent.com/d/2gqml6

For more information on the practice leader event for retail, please reach out to Bryan Bedford, Global Lead, Partner Digital Transformation & Industries, Retail, Sports & Media at brbedfor@cisco.com.