
We all know the right cloud solutions help organizations improve agility, accelerate time to market, and deliver cost savings.  But for customers, it’s not always easy to know where to start.  Between public, private, and hybrid cloud solutions, they need to know which choice is best for their business and what to do first.  They need a cloud strategy.

According to a new Cisco-sponsored IDC report (“Don’t Get Left Behind: The Business Benefits of Achieving Greater Cloud Adoption”), only 1% of organizations have fully-optimized cloud strategies in place.  Only 1%.

Help Customers Build Better Cloud Strategies

Here’s where customers need your expertise. And we want to help you develop this expertise.

Based on in-depth IDC market research and insights from over 3,400 organizations across 17 countries, we developed the Cisco Business Cloud Advisor — a framework to help customers translate in-depth research into actionable cloud adoption plans.

Now we’re making it available to you, our partners, to make your customer conversations easier.

Consider the benefits of showing customers how much they will gain and how much more competitive and productive they will be with a cloud strategy.  Collaborating with IDC, we analyzed cloud adoption levels by geography, industry, and company size.  Using the Cisco Business Cloud Advisor, you can provide cost and time-to-market improvement estimates based on an organization’s cloud adoption.

Once your customers understand the business benefits of cloud adoption, you can offer concrete recommendations, and strategy that includes real solutions and services — from your portfolio and ours — to help them meet their business needs.

Build and Accelerate Your Professional Services

Ready to increase profitability and be more competitive?  We’re with you there too.

Our Cloud Professional Services framework provides you with easy to use resources and training so you can build or expand your own services practice.

We’ve created ready-to-use guides, templates, and guidance to help you deliver offers like Cloud-Consumption-as-a-Service, Cloud Onboarding Solution, Cloud Threat Defense Service, and more.

Use these resources to help your customers win the second wave of cloud adoption and grow your business at the same time.

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Cisco Business Cloud Advisor

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