
The statistics are staggering. Last year in America, opioid overdoses killed more people than car accidents. And more people died using heroin than in gun violence. It’s a tough habit to kick.

Meet our partner Netera. Their customer, Behavioral Health Group, is helping people get into recovery. With success rates that are growing so fast that they needed a new network and collaboration equipment to keep helping people.

Netera says…

It’s dangerously easy to become addicted to opioids. And tragically easy to overdose on them.

2.1 million US citizens are dependent on the drugs. When one of those people call for help, they need to talk to someone fast. And jump into straight into recovery.

Our client, Behavioral Health Group (BHG), makes that happen. They accept people right away, no need to wait. Then they wean them off opioids with low doses of methadone. Patients check in at a local clinic to get their next dose.

The program was so popular and successful that BHG needed a faster system to keep up. We set up them up with a network from Cisco – and collaboration technology, too. The network and collaboration systems have to function properly for patient’s success.

“BHG’s Call Center permits all 40 BHG sites to service intake appointments within 48 hours – meeting the patients at their time of need.”  — D. Walsh, BHG

BHG has found the right mix of in-person accountability and easy access to help, which promotes recovery. It’s already helped save lives: Demand for BHG services are increasing by 20% year over year, helping patients break free from their addictions.

Thanks, Netera!

There’s never been a better time to get people into recovery.

It’s great to see our stuff put to such good use, but the story doesn’t end there. Find more stories on the great things our customers and partners are doing all over the world.