
Restaurant Ciné Città had a great location in a crowded tourist area in Belgium, but they were overlooked by potential customers passing by.

Until they met Pingvalue – an online platform and mobile app connecting businesses and customers. Integrated with Cisco, the Solution Partner offered the insights they needed to target and attract hungry tourists.

Pingvalue says…

We partnered with a Cisco reseller to give the restaurant’s customers a better overall experience. We installed wireless access points and Cisco’s Connected Mobile Experiences (CMX) technology, an analytics and automation solution. Then, we integrated our private dashboard with CMX for richer, real-time data about potential customers.

Ciné Città now understands the face behind the screen. They can profile potential and existing customers by age, gender, interests, and influential status. And, they can see what customers like, share, and promote on social channels.

That level of insight makes it possible for the restaurant to target the right audience at the right time. As hungry tourists walk past the restaurant, they receive recommendations and promotions directly on their device. And once in the restaurant, customers have access to a trusted and secure wireless connection (cue Instagram food pictures.)

The Pingvalue/Cisco CMX solution gives Ciné Città a chance to do more than just offer customers great WiFi. Now, the restaurant can tap into the power of geolocation and personalized marketing to attract new and repeat customers.

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