The OpenStack Summit is happening from May 18-22nd in Vancouver, with sessions submitted and chosen for the community, by the community!
What interests you when it comes to OpenStack? Do you need a deep dive in a particular project? Are you wondering if the economics make sense? Are you trying to figure out how to create a product or service based on or powered by OpenStack?
In the OpenStack community, the members drive the agenda. If you’re a Foundation member—and especially if you’re attending—step up! It’s time to vote for speakers for the Vancouver Summit! The polls opened last week, but they’re closing soon: on 2/23 at 5:00 PM Central time.
This handy link will take you to the main Foundation voting page, where you can see ALL of the sessions that have been proposed. If you’d like to avoid sifting through the 1,000+ submissions there though, check out the links below. They will take you straight to the talks submitted by my clever colleagues at Cisco, who are some of the most skilled OpenStack pros on the planet. (#justsayin)
Do you have a talk we should know about? Leave it in the comments or tweet me @aliamagasu.
Happy voting, and see you in Vancouver!
Highly Available, Performant, VXLAN Service Node
Scaling Neutron with ML2 Hierarchical Networks
DON: Diagnosing OVS in Neutron
Network Design Considerations for OpenStack Neutron Deployments
A network solution for scalable, performant and highly available OpenStack clouds
Neutron extension framework overview and use cases
Addressing DHCP and DNS Scalability: A dnsmasq Alternative
Complex scenario tests for IPv6
The State of IPv6: Are We There Yet?
Neutron mitosis and the L4-7 services roadmaps
Providing Rich Network Services in a Federated OpenStack Public Cloud
A new IPv6 based approach for simple, transparent, scalable OpenStack Networks
NFV Workloads on Trusted Cloud Infrastructure
OpenStack for NFV – A deployment case-study
Network Virtualization Overlay Showdown moderated by 451 Chief Analyst Eric Hanselman
Scaling Neutron with ML2 Hierarchical Networks
BrainStorm – Artificial Neural Networks as a Service
Model for seamless mobility of network services across different types of cloud backends
Optimizing Your OpenStack Data Plane for Performance and Scale
OpenStack integration with Cisco Technologies
Demystifying Logs in OpenStack Clouds
Want total visibility? That’s expensive: Winning the cost-insight tradeoff.
The other side of Horizon – An Operator-focused OpenStack visualization dashboard
OK, so what the heck is going on in my OpenStack Cloud Deployment now…?
Understanding Cloud Operations by Crunching Boat Loads of Metrics
Understanding OpenStack (Monasca/Ceilometer) metrics with SQL over streams
The Tale of Two Sorcerers Journey into Accomplishing the Unthinkable: OpenStack Upgrades
How to rapidly migrate virtualized enterprise workloads to an OpenStack cloud environment
Things That Go Bump in the Night: Protecting your Cloud from GHOSTS and Other Exploits
High Availability and Resiliency Testing Strategies for OpenStack Clouds
Stabilizing the Jenga Tower: Scaling out Ceilometer
Self-Driving Storage for OpenStack
Building the Cloud Community: How to Produce a Successful OpenStack Meetup
Crafting Unforgettable Events & Meetups for Developers
OpenStack Product Management Strategies [PANEL]
Insights and Use Cases
OpenStack for Users of VMware: What You Need to Know
OpenStack Research Study: User Experience
What’s Next in OpenStack: A Glimpse at the Roadmap
Policy, Orchestration, Containers, and Projects
PlaceWise: A smart (multi-) cloud resource placement recommendation engine and service
Troviso: Real-time DBaaS for Trove
Cognitive: Machine Learning as a Service for OpenStack
Surge – deploying and scaling data stream processing pipelines on OpenStack
Panel: Defining Policy Frameworks for OpenStack
Meta-data Driven Cloud – Running OpenStack @ Scale Using a Policy Framework (Intel)
Group Based Policy Hands-on Lab
Data-driven Optimized Cloud Resource Placements and Rebalancing
TriggerWise: A policy-driven triggering engine and generalized action executor service
μStack: Open physical infrastructure you can take with you
The Jenkins Plugin for OpenStack: Simple and Painless CI/CD
Provisioning Infrastructure, Platforms, and Applications with Heat and Puppet
Learn you some Ansible for great good!
An introduction to cloud service definition
Designing for Operations – Operationalizing OpenStack
Data-driven Optimized Cloud Resource Placements and Rebalancing
Supporting QoS in Zaqar with a Kafka Policy Engine
Nova-Docker: A Practical Overview
Thanks, Docker! The pros and cons of containerizing your OpenStack services
Magnum – Containers-as-a-Service for OpenStack
How OpenStack Enables Applications
Embracing & Extending OpenStack: The InterCloud deployment at Cisco
Elastic LBaaS in Cisco Cloud with ZERO Infrastructure Changes
Each time I hear that the participants of an event are going to drive the agenda my interest is peaked. This event promises the same and on that basis itself I would sign up -:)
please update this post with the sessions that were selected
thank you
Great idea Jonathan. I’ll do that today!