Executive Platform
Mobile Network Opportunities for Service Providers
To read the first part of the Network Matters blog series that focuses on how IT leaders can rely on a network to simplify the process of onboarding new mobile technology, click here. To read the second part of the series that discusses how an architectural approach to mobility is essential for the…
An Architectural Approach to Mobility
When it comes to mobility, everyone is learning fast in order to keep up. With what seems like daily advances in mobile technology and rapid consumer adoption, it is not getting any easier for organizations to break the cycle of reactive IT decision making. For many of our customers, enterprise mobi…
A Powerful Network Simplifies Adoption of New Mobile Devices
It’s a critical time for enterprise IT as new mobile devices from Apple, Samsung and Google enter the market and operating systems are updated almost weekly. Apart from the new color and form factor options, this round of new technology features new operating systems and a proliferation of app updat…
Cisco Testimony On Consumer Protection at Senate Committee
Today, before the United States Senate Consumer Protection Subcommittee, Cisco SVP and General Counsel Mark Chandler had the opportunity to talk about a new and troubling kind of scam dressed up with language such “patent infringement” and “innovation.” As he shared with the Subcommittee, the perpet…
Secure BYOD for Midsize Businesses
The Internet of Everything will connect 50 billion things by 2020. Your midsize business needs to stay ahead of potential security risks. Are you ready? Previously, I wrote about the importance of driving success for midsize businesses. Today I am focusing on security and BYOD for midsize companies…
Transforming I.T. for the Application Economy
Applications have become the lifeblood of our economy. They are how business is done; how partners and suppliers interact; how employees connect; how consumers share, learn and buy. Every business is becoming an applications business. Every industry is becoming an application-centric industry, and t…
From Information to Innovation: The New CIO in an Internet of Everything World
In my role at Cisco, I have taken interest in understanding how we, as people, are driving the need for innovative technology to fuel change in our world. As we find new ways to interact as consumers or communicators, we demand that technology keep pace – to be fast and to adapt. Today’s Chief Inf…
Cisco and Its Partners Drive OpenStack Innovation and Adoption
OpenStack sure has come a long way since the first Design Summit in San Antonio back in November 2010. As my team prepares to attend OpenStack Summit in Hong Kong this week, you’d never know that just three years ago there were just 250 people at the first public OpenStack Design Summit that kicked…
Sci-Fi Turned Real Life: 5 ‘Spooky’ Innovations in Science and Technology
Happy Halloween from all of us at Cisco! To celebrate, here’s a fun list of the top 5 ‘spookiest’ tech innovations –those inspired by sci-fi, made real life through incredible advances in STEM research and the growing connections in the Internet of Everything: 1. The Bionic Man: Not quite Steve Aus…