Cisco TelePresence has received one of the most glowing endorsements possible, with the CIO of the Australian Government speaking to Sydney Morning Herald’s ITPro section about the success of the Australian Government’s roll out of its TelePresence system.
Glenn Archer cites the national Cisco TelePresence system with 37 operational video conferencing sites across the country as being an example of a highly successful government IT project.
2,500 meetings have been held via the system in three and half years and the Government calculates that it has saved around $44 million through reduced airfare and travel costs. In addition, Glenn Archer is quoted as saying that the Government has reduced its carbon footprint by 8,500 tonnes of CO2 through the introduction of TelePresence.
It’s great to see how Cisco solutions are saving the Government money in travel expenses that can be redirected towards other important initiatives as well as helping to reduce our impact on the environment.
When I was working on my BS Degree back in 1993 I presented that idea to Dr. Ingram. He taught an entrepreneur class. Our assignment was to come up with ways to make money. I also present the idea of the 911 neckglace for elderly people. He told me I was a natural at business. If I told you I actually sent P&G, J&J and a few other companies the idea of selling products in a concentrated smaller package to take advantage of peoples habits of still pouring or using the same amount, you wouldn’t believe me. That was around 1992 or 1993. I still have their responses somewhere packed away. One of them could have at least offered me an internship. They have made Billions off of that concept. Man ! I ended up not finishing college because of financcial issues. I was made for the business world, but it had elluded me. Small events can make big differences in life. I became a truck driver. Can you believe it ? I think that it is impressive what Cisco TelePresence has accomplished. I’m sure you all will continue to gain and create more market share in that industry.