
Cisco partner Anittel has announced that it will be implementing a new communication system, based on Cisco Hosted Collaboration Solution, for the Tasmanian Government.

By hosting its communication and collaboration systems in the cloud, the Tasmanian Government will optimise internal processes and improve overall employee productivity.  Based on a Cisco Powered Cloud implemented by Anittel, it’s expected that Tasmania’s whole-of-government shared service initiative will also benefit from the ability to move forward with more agility, flexibility and speed.

Peter Kazacos, Anittel Managing Director and Executive Chairman, is looking forward to delivering similar projects to both new and existing clients. The capex/opex benefits of the hosted solution are expected to be particularly beneficial to customers with Kazacos saying: “Anittel’s new and existing clients can now derive the full benefits of cloud telephony services which provide productivity, end to end management, scalability, agility, cost effectiveness and capital prudence using our flexible operational expense or lease packages.”

During testing, Anittel successfully implemented over 100 new communication endpoints across 4 trial sites. The first full site implementation was completed earlier this month at the Devonport Police Station, a facility operated by the Tasmanian Department of Justice.

Anittel has worked closely with the Tasmanian Government for over 15 years. The announcement of this contract win last August (see press release here) combined with today’s announcement shows solid progress in achieving the Government’s vision to provide a platform that helps  public service and communities connect and work together to build a better Tasmania.