
C05-726773-00 my3850 community banner_v2bNot mine, exactly, but it could be yours.

my3850 (lowercase intentional) is the new community for people interested in learning more about the new Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series Switch.  This community is also for those currently using the Catalyst 3850 or those partners helping plan, deploy, or run a network with these new converged-access switches .  We actually launched this community with the Catalyst 3850’s launch in January and have been quietly planning and organizing.  The first of those planned endeavors is Office Hours! Click below to find out how you can join in.

Starting this week, we will have Office Hours with a Catalyst 3850 expert.  This week’s fearless OH expert is Anupam Barua, a Sr. Product Manager in the Unified Access Group managing the Catalyst 3850 Series switches. Previously, he managed other fixed Catalyst 3K switches and 4K aggregation products. Before the PM role he was a Technical Marketing Engineer focusing on network management and competitive products. Anupam holds a B.S degree in Electrical Engineering and an MBA. He also holds a CCIE certification (#5068).

Office Hours will be somewhat informal – just join the community and ask questions by starting a new discussion.  Anupam is excited to discuss switching architecture, conve3rged access, migration opportunities (or when to not migrate, as the case may be), comparisons of the Catalyst 3850 with stand-alone Wireless Lan Controllers and potential installation questions you may have.

One thing to note – you have to be a part of the overall Cisco Communities before you can join my3850.  This is easy to do and if you’ve ever had to create a profile on Cisco.com, you just log in with that.