One approach to addressing social determinants of health: The Medibus, a medical practice on wheels
As part of our National Health IT Week blog series, we are going to take a look at the social determinants of health. This means the conditions under which people are born, grow, live, work, and age, to improve our overall health ecosystem and support healthy communities. Physician shortages One key…
Addressing public health and population health pain points with Mercy
As part of our National Health IT Week series, today we are focusing on advancing public health and population health. We will look at critical efforts to overcome the problems that lead to poor health outcomes. Addressing pain points that impact the patient, clinician, IT, and administration within…
Expanding access to telehealth starts with a strong foundation
National Health IT Week is nationwide action week founded by HIMSS and the Institute for e-Policy. It focuses on driving change within the U.S. health system and around the world through information and technology. This year’s themes focus on supporting healthy communities. The goal is to drive tran…
When you think technology in healthcare, you think_____?
Open any news website or social media channel and you’re bound to see headlines about big technology companies making inroads in healthcare. For many, it’s a welcome trend. The healthcare industry is ripe for disruption, with many challenges to solve. As new tools to power patient care a…
Discover what’s possible – Introducing the interactive Healthcare Portfolio Explorer
It’s an exciting time in healthcare. New tools. New technologies. The opportunities for improving care for patients and optimizing how clinicians, IT, and hospital administrators do their jobs may seem endless. With all the possibilities out there, how do you know your investments in new technologie…
Let’s do more good, together
Our goal: Positively impact 1 billion people by 2025 1 billion?! That is a pretty big number to strive for, but it is something Cisco committed to back in 2016. And, as of the end of fiscal year 2018, we’ve already had an impact on a cumulative 445 million people worldwide. “At our core, we have al…
Healthcare IT: When TV drama meets real-life medical device security
“‘Murder by pacemaker’” isn’t a real thing, is it?” my friend asked. She’d been binging on Netflix and caught a TV drama in which the victim’s pacemaker was hacked. From a remote location, the hacker—a murderer for hire—was able to access the device, accelerate the victim’s heart rate, and cause car…
Cisco Hyperconverged Infrastructure now supports end-to-end Epic EMR
More than 250 million patients indirectly interact with Epic through their electronic medical record (EMR). So, if you live in the U.S. like me, there’s a high probability that when interacting with medical professionals, Epic is part of that experience as the software helping physicians and clinici…
Closing communication gaps between patients and providers
Think about all the ways you keep yourself healthy. Whether that’s making a healthy choice for dinner, going for a walk around the block, or taking your medications every day – most of that activity happens outside of a healthcare setting. In fact, factors outside of the medical practice determine 8…
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