
Cisco’s Hosted Collaboration Solution for Defense (HCS-D) will impact the mission of Defense by providing the next evolution of collaboration. This will prepare the Department of Defense (DoD) for the long term by providing a secure and scalable collaboration platform to connect users across the Department.


Secure cloud means secure collaboration

HCS-D is the next step in the U.S. Department of Defense’s IT communication journey. The journey started with advanced communications and now consists of a holistic suite of collaboration capabilities delivered securely through an Impact Level 5, FedRAMP certified cloud.

At Cisco, we understand that it’s not just a technology system, it’s a way of life, a lifeline. It’s how we communicate, and how we’re connected back in real-time. In the world’s largest distributed work force it is imperative to have the best communication and collaboration available. HCS-D is a mission critical system that provides the capabilities needed to support the modern warfighter (infographic: how it works).

Cloud native for secure communications

From a financial perspective, HCS-D offers customers flexibility, predictability and overall cost savings. Together with existing on-premise capabilities, HCS-D can help to balance and reduce costs from licensing, operations and maintenance. This approach also helps to deliver the latest features and versions faster than ever before.


HCS-D also helps simplify Defense operations by driving efficiency. And it will allow more funds and resources to be dedicated to the higher-level mission of the DoD, its branches and its agencies.

But HCS-D is more than just communicating within agencies. It’s also about enhancing collaboration between agencies and enabling joint forces operations. Operations can be extended beyond the continental United States and connect with forces abroad. The more efficient the DoD is in managing IT systems, the more total budget can be allocated to things that truly matter – providing for the defense of our nation and providing decision advantage to our warfighters.

One service, one experience for every user

HCS-D is customizable to meet the specific business and mission needs of the DoD. It empowers end users with a full collaboration tool set; all in a simple, flexible and secure solution. For the DoD specifically, HCS-D enables a complete approach that delivers “one service, one experience” for every user. As long as there is a network, Cisco can provide a seamless environment which makes business easier to understand, manage and operate.

With HCS-D, Cisco keeps the system refreshed, certified and compliant while enabling the DoD with flexible service with modern collaboration capabilities. And all combined with an effective cloud migration path.

HCS-D also allows the DoD to evolve technology and consumption, but does it in a way that does not compromise current investments. It does this by enabling integration with on-premise infrastructure and endpoints to allow interoperability of the service with existing resources. Effectively migrating to a cloud smart position is not a turn of the switch, it is a journey.

Helps DoD leverage, modernize, meet mandates


The DoD has invested a lot in traditional Cisco collaboration solutions and we’re going to continue to stand by these systems, help the DoD continue to get value from them and give our customers a migration path to cloud. And we’ll do so while adding the tremendous power of HCS-D, which is certified secure to Impact Level 5, to maintain the safety of information and communication.

At Cisco, we’re uniquely positioned to help the DoD modernize collaboration and address various mandates to move to cloud, improve security and modernize. For the DoD, HCS-D can:

  • Provide a simple, effective option to continue to leverage their Cisco collaboration install base while giving them a seamless cloud migration path.
  • Stabilize costs and provide flexibility to operate on premise to cloud efficiently.
  • Be consumed on a per user basis or through an enterprise agreement.
  • Allow customers to customize by adding users and new features as they choose.
  • Offer a choice from a range of end points and user experience options, and our partners tailor how they can best support customer needs. Our partners bring unique capabilities that compliment HCS-D (which is hosted and operated by Cisco).

Cisco understands DoD’s mission objectives, business needs and mandates. As a result, we have developed an innovative service and we are excited to support the DoD’s collaboration journey.

Additional Resources

Dive deeper: Cisco Hosted Collaboration Solution for Defense (HCS-D)

Video: Secure Collaboration for DoD

Article: Top 5 issues facing secure cloud

Special Report: Building a comprehensive cloud strategy for government