
What’s a smart city supposed to look like? It seems everyone has an opinion. Just Google “What is a smart city” and you can spend a very long weekend finding out. From white papers to special reports, and conferences to councils, you’ll find the world of smart cities is becoming very fragmented.


Smart and Holistic?

What is a smart city? Smart cities technologies

You’ll probably end your search with yet another question: Whatever happened to the promise of a holistic approach to smart cities, the appeal that drew us to them in the first place?

Well, it’s still there. But sometimes it gets overshadowed by the increasing fragmentation in the space. And if you’re taking your first steps into the world of smart cities, it can be especially confusing.

That’s why I recommend you and your team first gain a good understanding of the why and how of smart cities. This includes the technologies and processes involved. Doing so can help drive success for your smart & connected initiative. And you can do so in three simple (and entertaining) lessons.

3 Quick and Easy Smart City Lessons

We’ve created three fast paced smart city videos to help you get up to speed on the why and how of smart cities, including:

  • Why communities like yours are gearing up their own smart city projects, and the benefits they’re reaping
  • How to start leveraging reliable and secure technologies to gain efficiencies, increase resilience, and improve quality of life
  • How one well known city is leveraging smart and connected community solutions to improve services and infrastructure.

Remember, your path to smart and connected community status starts with understanding the why and how. So take a few moments right now to get up to speed:

Watch: Understanding the why and how.What is a smart city? Smart cities technologies

I also encourage you to take a look at our Future of Public Sector blog series to learn how technology can be leveraged to improve how we all work, learn, and play.