
Today, Cisco is pleased that the United States and 11 other countries in the Asia Pacific region concluded negotiation of the Transpacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement. We are eager to review the details of the Agreement when the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) releases the final text in the coming weeks.

“TPP represents an important opportunity to lower trade barriers on technology goods and services, which benefits not just the producers, but more importantly, the users of cutting-edge technology,” stated Jennifer Sanford, Cisco’s Senior Manager of International Trade Policy.

“Cisco congratulates Ambassador Froman and the entire interagency team for securing commitments that will benefit the tech sector and the growth of digital trade in the region,” added Sanford.

“We look forward to working with our counterparts in the tech sector to evaluate the final deal and to engage Congress in its consideration of TPP implementing legislation,” concluded Sanford.

For more information about TPP, see the USTR Fact Sheets.