High Tech Policy
Statement of Cisco’s VP of Government Affairs Jeff Campbell on DC Circuit’s Net Neutrality Ruling
“Cisco is disappointed in the DC Circuit’s decision to uphold the FCC’s open Internet rules. We believe in an open Internet and that balanced rules to protect consumers and prevent anti-competitive behavior are necessary and appropriate. But uncertain regulation under Title II, as provided for by t…
Commercial Drones: Developing the Ecosystem
To take the commercial drone industry from infancy to adulthood, there is a lot to be done. The lion’s share of that work will involve companies working together to discuss technology, architecture, security, standards, and interoperability. This is where Cisco sees great opportunity, and where we c…
Inspiring the Next Generation of Women in Tech: Cisco Kicks Off Global STEM Mentoring Initiative
From the STEM Education Caucus, to the US Joint Economic Committee’s report on STEM education, to White House STEM Fairs, encouraging students on the path to careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math is a topic that politicians from both sides of the aisle have championed. At Cisco, we t…
2016 Cisco Mobile VNI: Reporting on the Data
Over the last decade, the Cisco Mobile Visual Networking Index (VNI), our rolling five year forecast of Internet trends has delivered some amazing and eye-popping predictions. Today’s VNI Mobile Forecast update, for example, shows that the deployment and adoption of 4G is accelerating even faster th…
IoT: Using Technology for the Developing World
As we enter 2016, I can’t help but reflect on the staggering success and take up of the Internet of Things (IoT), which refers to any device able to connect to the Internet. Mobile penetration is booming, broadband access continues to soar, more and more devices are being developed with sensors and…
Connecting Schools and Students Via Smart Policy
Around the world, over 57 million children of primary school age do not have access to quality education and over 250 million children cannot read or write by the time they reach grade four. In addition, the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) of the United Nations estimates that over 4 bil…
Statement from Jeff Campbell Congratulating Paul D. Ryan On Becoming Speaker of the House
On behalf of Cisco, let me congratulate Paul D. Ryan on becoming Speaker of the House. Over his tenure on Capitol Hill, Congressman Ryan has a proven track record of taking on important policy issues, and looking for principled, pragmatic, and lasting solutions. He assumes this new role at a moment…
Let’s celebrate failure in Europe!
That was one of the key themes discussed during today’s “Internet of Everything – What’s in it for Europe event” in Brussels, with MEP Kaja Kallas asking the audience to consider a change in innovation culture to capture the predicted €4.3 trillion that the IoE could generate in value in Europe. Kal…
Coming Soon: Amazing Grace – The True Story of a Computer Science Pioneer
If I told you about a woman who worked on the Mark I and ENIAC Computers in World War II, who was instrumental in solving a key problem of the Manhattan project, and who went on to develop one of the first computer science languages – COBOL – you’d say they should make a movie about her, something s…