In the wake of the European Parliament elections, stakeholders and commentators have been reflecting on the likely impact on important dossiers they follow. On data protection, we are pleased to welcome the reelection of the rapporteur, Jean-Philipp Albrecht, as well as key players Axel Voss and Timothy Kirkhope. At the same time, we are sad to see Dimitrios Droutsas, Alexander Alvaro and Baroness Ludford leave the Parliament.
As the Parliament looks to organize itself following the election, work proceeds at full speed in the Council. On Thursday and Friday this week, Justice and Home Affairs Ministers meet at the JHA Council to discuss the draft Data Protection Regulation. Important topics on the table include the one-stop shop mechanism, international data transfer, profiling and the relationship between the data controller and processor. All of these are essential issues to get right if we want to have a world-class framework that protects citizens and enables innovation. In the video below, please see my perspective on the key issues in the draft Regulation.
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