Please welcome Donald Graham, Practice Advisor, Manufacturing & Energy Practice, Business Transformation Group to the Cisco Energy Blog.

Manufacturing & Energy Practice
Business Transformation Group
I am pleased to introduce Donald Graham, a Sr. Vertical Practice Advisor in Cisco’s Business Transformation Group, to the Cisco Energy Blog. I his role Donald is responsible for helping to catalyze and accelerate customer business impact from technology investment across the Utilities and Smart Grid Practice. He draws upon 20 years of private and public sector experience where he assisted companies through development of technology transformation strategies. His areas of expertise includes; Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Grid and Utilities, Security, Workforce enablement, Organization Transformation, and Business/IT Alignment.
Before joining Cisco Systems, Donald worked at IBM Global Services, where he assisted Fortune 500 clients, such as HSBC, Gore, New Zealand Diary and Citibank in developing global and business architectures for organizational transformation strategies.
He is a graduate of New Jersey Institute of Technology, BS, Industrial Engineering,a Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE), a member of IEEE Power and Energy Society and Marine Corps veteran.
He has presented on a wide range of Technology and Business events such as:
- Advanced Energy 2010 – the conference of the Advanced Energy Research and Technology Center
- The Society of Broadcast Engineers, discussing the Internet of Things
- The DistribuTECH Conference and Exhibition series – recording demonstrations and discussing Cisco and partner solutions at the events
Cleantech matters: moment of truth for transportation electrification hosted by Ernst & Young and Bloomberg
We look forward to his industry insights and thought leadership. Welcome Donald!
Looking forward to hearing from Donald!