
An excellent post from Mike Riegel talks about how things have changed between the Tech industry and the Oil and Gas Industry over the past 20 years. The conversations he once had with his father-in-law who was at Mobil Oil have changed dramatically since the nineties. Oil companies are now  ‘Digitizing’:

  • The Digital Age has come to the Oil industry, and despite the current downturn, the most visionary companies  will have the opportunity to transform their business models for future growth.
  • The recently released report: “A New Reality for Oil & Gas – Complex Market Dynamics Create Urgent Need for Digital Transformation” makes it clear that the move to a Digital Business and the adoption of Internet of Everything is the way forward for the industry and for the global economy.
  • IT and OT (Operational Technologies, sometimes called Automation Control Systems/ACS or Industrial Control Systems/ICS) need to become more aligned out of their silos.
  • Biggest issue the industry faces is the ‘data-deluge’ – there’s a need to do deal with sensor and other data both in real-time at the source (usually the edge of the network) and that stored away in huge historians. Analysis of historical and real-time data is an imperative.
  • The US is well positioned to be the ‘swing-producer’ in the market as a result of their agile adoption of IoE, and the successful companies will take advantage of the market dynamics to invest, whilst others will cut costs, investments and retrench, falling behind. This week at CERAWeek we’ll hear from Marcel Cappetti about that (Wednesday at 11:20 AM).

Check out the full post from the IoE Blog channel here:

20 Years Hence – What Do Oil, Dating, Digital, and Analytics Have In Common?

Mike will no doubt get feed back from his father-in-law this weekend and hopefully we’ll get a report back!

As always, let us know what you think!