Many colleges and universities are being faced with declining budgets and rising expectations. Increasing operational efficiency while driving innovation is crucial for higher education institutions.
To summarize the current state of higher education and to provide insight on how institutions can be innovative and cost-effective, global industry analyst firm Ovum created this simple outline.
Check out the infographic, and then learn more about Cisco’s digital learning and digital campus portfolio offerings for higher education.
Perfect combo more for less, innovative and cost-effective. We definitely need to push our schools and universities to deliver the professionals needed in the world today. Love the material
I think it’s a matter of creativity to find the resources and budget, we are shaping and redefining the wheel all the time in the quest for true revolution in the evolution. Our goal is always looking for new solutions, the problems are well known in difficult times…For me, as a scientist, it’s a straight forward battle, to prevail, against all odds…
And finally, I agree with your second paragraph. Greetings and my respects from PR.