
While many are arguing the existence of a comeback in liberal arts education, too many public schools are seeing a decline in arts education due to budget and resource cuts. The benefits of music and arts education are well documented, but we continue to see schools losing music programs.

Unfortunately, cutting music programs in public schools tends to impact low-income students disproportionately, as private access is available to those who can afford and support it. However, people and technology are making a difference and finding a way to bring music education to schools in new ways.

The Urban Entertainment Institute (UEI) uses TelePresence to bring the power of music to schools, and this year they will bring the “Bridging the Gap” concert to schools across the country once again.

Next Wednesday, on March 5, schools across the country, including Strawberry Mansion in Philadelphia, will join together via TelePresence in a powerful concert performance featuring Jackson Brown and more. The concert will spotlight the impact music and technology can have without regard for geography.

I’m hearing that the students have been really fired up during the practice sessions and are excited to participate. And good news! You can watch the event via our live stream – Register Here!