Inclusion and Diversity

Define Your Future @Cisco

I am looking forward to the Grace Hopper Women in Computing Conference, Oct 14-16 2015, Houston, Texas. From Cisco Women in Cybersecurity to extraordinary software developers and inspiring executive I invite you to join us at Cisco to invent together. Intercloud, security, and IoE are all areas tha…

A Better Way to Network for Women?

“Networking is my idea of hell.” These are the exact words spoken by a woman attendee at a recent event where I gave a talk about the importance of networking. Her sentiments are echoed by many professional women who have experienced a traditional networking approach, which is: a) based on entering…

September 30, 2015


Carpe Diem – Seize the day! Inspiration from everyday heroes of CEWN: Shubhra Sinha

  Guest Blog and Interview by Anuja Singh  Welcome to the September edition of our monthly CEWN segment about role models. We all make resolutions and set goals to improve ourselves– but somewhere along the way, life interrupts our plans, we find ourselves juggling different priorities and inv…

September 29, 2015


#CiscoChat Seize the Moment and Make your Mark at Grace Hopper

The Grace Hopper Celebration Conference is upon us once in two weeks in Houston, Texas  and Cisco is proud to be a Diamond Sponsor recognized as a leader in diversity and highlights our continuous commitment to increasing the impact of women in technology. For the last 13 years, GHC has strived to b…

Are you a Talent Magnet or a Micromanager?

I care passionately about good leadership and adore discovering new books or hearing leaders speak.   I have recently discovered and met Liz Wiseman, author of Multipliers, a book on leadership I highly recommend. Liz’s book is based on research of 150 leaders across Europe , Middle East and Asia an…

Old Boys? Meet the New Girls!

If you look at the numbers, the picture is bleak for women working in technology. According to new research conducted by The Wall Street Journal, there is still a huge gender gap worldwide. Of the eight technology companies profiled, (ebay, Apple, LinkedIn, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Facebook, and Tw…

Fixing Broken Windows: Shattered Myths About the Glass Ceiling

Leading organisations now realise that improving the representation of female leaders is crucial to business success. In fact, according to research from McKinsey, “Companies in the top quartile for gender diversity are 15 percent more likely to have financial returns above their respective national…

Carpe Diem – Seize the day! Inspiration from July’s Everyday Heroes of CiscoEWN

Guest Blog and Interview by Anuja Singh  Welcome to our July edition of the monthly CEWN segment about role models. We all make resolutions and set goals to improve ourselves– but somewhere along the way, life interrupts our plans, we find ourselves juggling different priorities and invariably thing…