
Inspire and connect women, celebrate achievements, encourage more women into technical and leadership roles, recruit men to be advocates for women, make a measurable difference. We can’t wait for the day when we don’t have to talk about it anymore. Until then we want to do more and say less. Because, gender equality: its not just good business, its good for business.

At Cisco, we are not sitting around and waiting. We are casting a wide net by looking at all disciplines. Bring your curiosity, desire, ambitions! Our culture is about bringing in the best talent, we conform to who you are instead of asking you to conform.

Think of the most significant inventions and business achievements of the last 15 years, and it becomes clear how much IT has shaped the world. Facebook, Google, the iPhone (and most other devices from Apple), 4G / emerging 5G mobile connectivity, all define possibilities in how we connect with others and interact today.

Over the next few years wearable technology, 3D printing, Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality will all make big strides. The Internet of Everything (where every device, thing, can communicate automatically, be it a smart-phone or a smart-fridge) will continue to grow, further binding our consumer existence to technology.

A career at Cisco could put you at the forefront of these important advances, changing people’s lives in dramatic ways.

Cisco technology has been pivotal to the development of our Internet. As we move to Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Cyber-security, the sky is the limit of the possibilities for you as technologists.

Accept the challenge of joining the Internet of Women at Cisco to invent together and moreover, to truly change the way we live, work and play.



If you want to make a difference and have impact visit the Cisco team at the IEEE-WIE Conference. Hack with us on April 26: IEEE-Cisco Micro Hackathon. Meet with people outside of your regular work and collaborate with people you just met. Have fun developing ideas and your entry could win you a prize. Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cisco-wise-ieee-wie-ieee-cybersecurity-micro-hackathon-tickets-16052593740

We are excited about the forthcoming IEEE Women in Engineering Conference to be held in San Jose, California, April 23-25



We look forward to welcoming you!

Liz Centoni and Monique Morrow, Co-Cisco Women In Science and Engineering (WISE) Exec Sponsors