
IoTChat Sep 24This week, our #IoTChat co-host is Zebra Technologies (@ZebraTechnology)!  We’ll be talking about device management and IoT Platforms.  Zebra Technologies is one of the sponsors for the Internet of Things World Forum in October (#IoTWF!) so I’m excited to have them join.

Here are three simple steps to join the #IoTChat [Wednesdays, 11am PT] – our weekly industry discussion on the Internet of Things:

  1. Follow the hashtag #IoTChat
  2. Introduce yourself when you join
  3. Respond to a question number starting with its answer number  [For example if you’re responding to Q1, start your tweet with A1]

Dive in when you have something to say — we’re all friendly!

Last week, we had Carriots (@Carriots), one of our ecosystem partners for openBerlin co-host the chat and @BrianMcGlynn of @DavraNetworks – another ecosystem partner – joined too.  Below, some of the highlights (and yes, it was hard to get down to just these tweets) from the conversation:





IoT is a component of Internet of Everything: connecting people, processes, data, and things!