
The Internet of Things (IoT) technology trend is moving faster forward than anyone anticipated. This was evident at the IoT World Forum held in Barcelona, October 29th through 31st. Thought leaders from around the globe converged to discuss wide ranging topics on the IoT, including: standards development, technology ecosystems, connecting the unconnected, data analytics, and a number of different concept-to-reality, real world implementations of the IoT in action.

[What’s the Difference Between IoT and IoE?  Two Minutes To Find Out!]

Even though the IoT technology phenomenon is rapidly growing, it’s still new for many of us. What does it mean for my industry? Where do I get started? Who do I turn to for help? Indeed, there are many of us staying up at night asking those questions!

Cisco is one of the places you can go to for help. Our website provides you with a lot of great background information on the IoT itself – what the IoT really IS, how to get started, and what solutions are right for your industry. It’s got what you need to get you up and running fast. Some of the highlights of Cisco’s IoT site include:

  • Videos and an analyst brief can get you grounded on the IoT basics, how it is part of the Internet of Everything (IoE) and what it means to you and your industry
  • Links to solutions for your industry, including Manufacturing, Mining, Oil and Gas, Transportation and Utilities
  • And, in-depth looks at the IoT and Cisco Security, Industrial Networking and Embedded Networking solutions.

You can expect our site to grow and evolve just as quickly as IoT technologies and solutions grow. So, stop by frequently for new information. It’s easy to remember: cisco.com/go/iot. Our hope is that it keeps you up-to-date, well informed and answer those nagging questions keeping you awake at night.