
Node-RED tools for programming with Meraki

The new year is here, and chances are you have a list of tasks you plan to tackle once and for all in 2020. Maybe there is some learning, or “brushing up” you’d like to do on your programming skills – and maybe this is a topic you’ve meant to explore for awhile now, but can’t get over the mental and physical (who has the time?) hurdle to get started.

We understand. You probably know (or suspect) there’s a world of automation, configuration at scale, opportunities for customization, reporting, and engagement on the Meraki platform just under the hood with Meraki API services. You might have seen some of the discussion on our Community, heard about the popularity of our API-focused Podcast episodes, or seen some of the buzz about APIs at Cisco Meraki events.

Link actions (“nodes”) in a workflow with Node-RED

We have good news. There is an EASIER way to program with the Meraki Dashboard API, for both beginners and seasoned developers, with Node-RED. Node-RED is a tool to allow you to easily and intuitively link actions (or “nodes”) in a workflow, and offload scripting all the boilerplate code around those commands.

See Node-RED in action – Live Webinar

This powerful, flexible tool drastically reduces the (real and imagined!) overhead for programming with the Meraki API. Join us in an upcoming webinar on Jan 14th to see this tool in action, learn how to get started, and check out sample workflows we’ve made available to help!

We’re on a mission to make programming with Meraki APIs as simple and painless as possible, and hoping this is the year you start programming with Node-Red!