Cisco is working continually to bridge the nation’s digital skills shortage by nurturing new talent, which is why we are proud to be supporting the upcoming Athena Hack 2019, an all-women hackathon taking place April 13 – 14 at Queen Mary University, in London.
The Hackathon is designed to use tech in order to solve the plastic crisis currently plaguing the world.
Teams will develop an app, digital demonstration or digital platform that showcases their novel ideas, before pitching to a team of judges. You can join as a university team, bring your friends and colleagues and compete as an independent or company team, or just sign up and create a squad with other participants.
Our team of DevNet Developer Advocates will be around to help you! We are running two coding workshops that will give you the skills to build Webex Teams Bots and integrate with other cloud-based services. You may want to include Webex in your final hack, and there are prizes for the most creative use of Webex.

As an example of what you can do we built a simple workflow using against Webex Teams.
Imagine you are on your yacht (or maybe a row boat), in the ocean and come across a build-up of plastic. This needs reporting and cleaning up. So you fire up your Webex Teams client, on your phone or laptop, and go to the International Plastic Reporting Teams Space. will greet you using a natural language API. You greet the wonderfully friendly Bot and report your find, Send your GPS location and a picture of what you see. This information is stored in a cloud database for local teams to be dispatched for a clean-up, and maybe identify those responsible. This worklow took a few hours to build but demonstrates the power of collaboration tools and integration with cloud services. What could you build?
Check out the latest APIs, SDKs and resources for latest APIs, SDKs and resources for Cisco Collaboration technologies. And with this link, you can create a free DevNet account that will give you access to all of our learning labs and sandboxes.
For more information visit the official Athena Hack site.
Spot on Roger, great blog!