As the leader of Cisco’s Data Virtualization and Analytics Business Units, it is my pleasure to announce Cisco Data Preparation, a new big data and analytics offering for business analysts and IT.
What is Cisco Data Preparation?
Driven by Business’s accelerating demand for analytics, Cisco Data Preparation (Data Prep) makes it easy for non-technical business analysts to gather, explore, cleanse, combine and enrich the data that fuels these analytics.
Primarily designed as a self-service application for business analysts, Data Prep is also a valuable new capability for IT data developers and even data scientists, helping these teams collaborate to achieve the following benefits:
- Faster Insights: New data sets available in minutes, not weeks.
- More Comprehensive Insights: Gain advantage from all your data sources.
- Better Business Outcomes at Scale: Supports hundred of data preparation projects at big data scale.
- Higher Productivity, with Greater Governance: Both Business and IT gain from stronger collaboration.
Why will Business Analysts like Cisco Data Preparation?
Business Analysts can use Data Prep to address the significant data integration challenges they face when preparing analytic data sets using with a self-service approach.
- Every analytic project is different making every data exploration effort unique. Cisco Data Prep’s Excel-like interface and machine learning lets analysts explore data freely.
- Data is messy and everywhere. This results in analysts spending as much as 80% of their time preparing data before analysis can begin. Cisco Data Prep dramatically reduces time required to prepare data.
- Too few Data Scientists and too long IT backlogs puts the onus on the Business adopt self-service. Cisco Data Preps empowers Business Analysts to do this work themselves.
Why will IT like Cisco Data Preparation?
IT can use Data Prep to work in concert with the business to intelligently balance self-service needs with governance constraints, while optimizing infrastructure.
- Many requirements are short lived in contrast with IT’s industrial grade orientation. Cisco Data Prep helps IT and Business meet exploratory data needs with the right level investment and when needed even provide working prototypes that IT can quickly reengineer.
- Independent, ungoverned data prep efforts can lead to duplication of effort, inconsistently transformed data sets of unclear origin, resulting in inaccurate analysis and potentially bad business results. Cisco Data Prep built-in governance and data set sharing increase trust.
- Rogue data preparation activity in personal sandboxes and myriad tools, prevent IT from delivering scalable, secure infrastructure. Cisco Data Prep’s ability to massively scale allows IT so support thousands of users and multiple terabytes of data with a common, cost-effective infrastructure.
A Complete Data Preparation Solution, Only from Cisco
Cisco Data Preparation is a complete software, hardware and services solution that simplifies adoption and accelerates benefits.
- Leveraging an easy-to-learn and use Excel-like interface and powerful machine intelligence algorithms from Cisco partner Paxata, Data Prep removes barriers to adoption and elevates business analysts’ skills.
- Two-way integration with Cisco Data Virtualization helps leverage prior IT investments and closes the loop between the business and IT.
- Data Prep’s massively scalable Hadoop and Spark-based architecture ensures that Data Prep users won’t be constrained by size of data sets or complexity of analysis.
- Cisco UCS Integrated Infrastructure for Big Data integrates the computing, storage, connectivity, and unified management capabilities needed for high-performance, high-reliability Data Prep operations.
Plus, a complete set of Cisco and Partner provided “Plan” and “Build” services ensure Data Prep implementation success.
Learn More About Cisco Data Preparation
There are lots of ways you can learn more about Data Prep. You can:
- Join us at Strata+Hadoop World this week from September 29 through October 1 at the Javits Center in New York. Stop by Cisco Booth 425. There you can get a Data Prep demo from Cisco Sales Engineer Bill Kellett as well as attend with Cisco Data and Analytics Director Bob Eve and Paxata Product VP Nenshad Bardoliwalla.
- Join us at the 2015 Data and Analytics Conference, October 20-22, at the Hilton Chicago. Register now and join my breakout session, “Data Preparation for Self-Service Analytics.”
- Review the Cisco Data Preparation data sheet to learn more about Data Prep functionality.
- Talk to your Cisco or Cisco partner account manager to arrange a conversation with a Cisco Data Preparation product specialist.
- And look for upcoming blogs relating Cisco Data Preparation with Cisco UCS, Cisco Data Virtualization, Advanced Services and more. Stay tuned!
Join the Conversation
Follow @CicsoDataVirt and @CiscoAnalytics, #CiscoDAC.
Learn More from My Colleagues
Check out the blogs of Mala Anand, Mike Flannagan, Bob Eve and Nicola Villa to learn more.
Just shared with news with my LinkedIn friends in Analytics. Curious to see if there will be a reaction!
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