
It is no small task to enforce change within a well established industry and organization, but it’s not impossible. At Louisville Gas and Electric and Kentucky Utilities’ (LG&E and KU) – where operations were inefficient and obsolete – change was needed. With no easy way to obtain data, employees were conducting a lot of time consuming manual paperwork. In addition, disparate systems in which the data lived presented further complications. That is no way to stay competitive in the digital age.

On a quest for change

LG&E and KU deployed Cisco® Unified Computing System™ (UCS), based on Intel® Xeon® processors. Using the Cisco UCS® in conjunction with business intelligence software, They found that information from all systems could be brought together, easily accessed, and efficiently reported. This, in turn, led to faster and more informed decision making.

But it didn’t end there. The company is also now utilizing (pun intended) mobility, which allows for access to the system from anywhere, at any time. Users don’t have to be on-site to obtain information that will help them complete their tasks in the field. And collaboration capabilities are proving extremely helpful in time sensitive situations, such as power outages.

No surprise here: the benefits from LG&E and KU’s IT transformation is also reflected in the customer service end of business. Their customers are now experiencing lower costs and higher satisfaction.

Regardless of industry, the lessons learned by LG&E and KU’s implementation can apply to your business as well. Engage with us and find out how.

Read more about the transformation of LG&E and KU and their journey to adopting Cisco technologies on Unleashingit.com.