These past two weeks have been a time for celebrating the 5th anniversary of UCS and an extraordinary achievement in terms of market penetration.
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We made it thanks the strong and tireless support from our partners , but (make no mistakes here) primary thanks to a breakthrough vision and solution. In his exciting blog “The Right Solution at the Right time “, Todd Brannon is measuring this breakthrough solution by the unique features timely provided to the market by the UCS approach.
I want in this blog to appreciate this technology shift through the eyes of numerous customers and partners, that I had the pleasure to interviews over the past years .Watch this little sample and listen to the enthusiastic voices and the warm comments of these early adopters.
This mix of satisfaction, “wow” and pride that I never experienced even at the flamboyant time of Sun Microsystems, where I used to work (disclosure), is for me the real sign of a breakthrough solution which ultimately changes the way professional work, but also live their life . We illustrated this change is this little rosy commercial “For a better life”
What amazes me today is that this level of satisfaction , 5 years after UCS launch, is not going down. As an example, I invite you to watch Alessandro Perrino, who explained at Cisco Live Milan, how FASTWEB takes advantages of UCS. FASTWEB, fullly owned by Swisscom, a leading telecommunications provider in Italy, offers advanced services to residential customers and business segments including public authorities, large companies, small and medium enterprises, professionals, sohos, universities and research institutions.
FASTWEB realized that improved customer experience, end-to-end control, and good margins would be easier to achieve if it built its own cloud service delivery solution. With Cisco Nexus® switching technologies already installed in its primary data center, the company decided to adopt Cisco Unified Computing System™ as its cloud offering foundation.
I can clearly see that the work of Cisco engineers who address new challenges , add new solutions ( ie UCS Manager, UCS Central , UCS Director) and new technologies ( ie SingleConnect , Invicta) so that the UCS family keeps growing, and delivers an impressive list of benchmark records, making it the preferred platform for more and more applications ( ERP, web, communications,Cloud, Big data ..).
We at Cisco are also very grateful for the strong support we got from our partners, whether they are technology partners, independent software vendors, systems integrators, distributors or resellers … They truly believed in the concept, saw the benefits for their customers, and have been working diligently to implement and support . They keep improving the platforms by bringing innovative ideas, providing integration with their own solutions, and best practices to make the UCS deployment easier, faster and even more reliable. But let’s be real here . What solution, if not a breakthrough solution, can be adopted so quickly and enthusiastically by partners , who are constantly invited by our competition to support other solutions ?
Today our customers and partners keep praising the UCS technology and platforms, using it a critical component to build the next generation of data center –
In the following weeks , I will keep celebrating UCS anniversary with more testimonials of these customers and partners
Stay tuned and don’t hesitate to follow on Twitter @ciscocustomers and @drombaut
-Fastweb case study and blog “Fastweb delivers New value-Added Cloud Services”
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