Cisco MDS and Dell EMC set new standards for enterprise storage performance
An undeniable trend in the storage industry is what one might refer to as the democratization of all-flash storage as the technology becomes more economical and, therefore, more relevant for most use cases. Indeed, flash storage remains critical for Tier 0/Tier 1 applications such as enterprise data…
Scale Your Data Center with the Nexus 9000 and Cloud Scale Technology
There is no dispute that Cisco offers an unmatched portfolio of networking solutions that gives our customers the unique ability to simplify their IT infrastructure and optimize it for the many diverse on-prem and cloud-native applications they are deploying today. The Nexus 9000 is a foundational e…
Flash and Virtualization Give Customers More Reasons to Appreciate the Cisco/HDS Partnership
Few years back, enterprise storage was primarily dependent on spinning disks built into stand-alone arrays. Then advent of flash storage changed everything in the storage industry landscape in terms of key performance factors. This includes flash storage arrays being able to transmit data at line ra…
Bringing Storage Area Networking to the Age of Hyper Scale Data
There is no doubt that we are living in the Hyper Scale Data age when it comes to all things data storage related, which is impacting both consumers and companies. According to Cisco research, by the year 2020, the amount of data stored inside data centers is expected to grow by a factor of five, fr…
Cisco BGP EVPN in the datacenter
Posting this blog on behalf of Babi Seal, Senior Manager, Product Management, INSBU, who has been driving BGP EVPN based solutions in the datacenter. Digital disruptors have challenged established business models by creating new ways of engaging with customers in real-time to better serve the chang…
Evolving the Nexus 9000 to Enhance Today’s Social, Mobile, Cloud and App-Centric World
For most enterprises today, remaining competitive requires them to modernize their data center infrastructure to deliver operational services at the pace and scale of the cloud and DevOps. The Cisco Nexus 9000 is a key component of Cisco ASAP data center as a foundational element of the modern infra…
Nexus 7000 Innovations: Data Center Interconnect, Enhanced Scale, Enhanced Security and Investment Protection
Digital transformation is a multi-trillion dollar global initiative that is placing enormous pressure on IT to move faster and manage the increasing diversity in the types of users, apps, and locations needed just to support their businesses’ bottom line. As a result, developers will create thousand…
Cisco Extends Storage Networking Solutions with Greater Data Protection, Increased Bandwidth and Simplified Provisioning
Data is growing at an astonishing rate. Trends like cloud, IoT and digitization are imposing higher demands on how data is managed, transported, backed up and restored. Increased business dependence on IT means downtime has more meaningful and tangible impact on business operations. There is almost…
Dell EMC expanding ALL Flash Portfolio; New VMAX 250F with feature rich HYPERMAX OS
Companies today are facing an increasingly competitive environment and continue to look for substantial differentiation in their market. The Storage and Storage Networking continues to play a vital role in enabling businesses to adopt new technologies and applications to help them scale and grow. Tr…