
Robert Sherwin

Senior Technical Marketing Engineer, Email and Cloud Security

Security Business Group

Robert Sherwin is a Senior Technical Marketing Engineer covering email and cloud technologies for Cisco Security. Robert has 18+ years of combined Network, Data Center and Security experience, including the past eight + years with Cisco Email Security.

Robert has represented Cisco as a speaker at Cisco Live US, EMEA (Distinguished Speaker), and Australia. In his role, Robert seeks to help customers and partners alike find the most up-to-date solutions and information for technical email problems.

Robert lives in Morrisville, North Carolina.


May 1, 2019


“Spark Joy” With New 12.0 Email Security Features & Videos

When you see “software update available,” does it spark joy? For many of us, the answer is a resounding “no.” But, don’t be fooled into thinking that our new 12.0 release of Cisco Email Security is anything other than extraordinary. Here are three reasons why: Our SVP of Product Management, Jeff Re…