
Nigel Glennie


Global Corporate Communications

Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, Nigel Glennie is an Aussie in a strange land. He leads Business Critical Communications, a team that provides coordinated internal and external communications for Cisco's most critical strategic initiatives, launches, and issues. Their work includes Corporate PR, PR Strategy & Operations, and providing support for companywide initiatives such as M&A and investments, issue management, and crisis communications. Before joining Cisco in 2007, Nigel performed crisis communications, public relations, and employee communications roles at various resources, telecommunications, manufacturing, and retail companies.


April 17, 2014


On Cisco.com password changes

Last week I published a brief blog about the OpenSSL heartbeat extension vulnerability, also known as the Heartbleed bug. One commenter asked, “What about the Cisco.com website? Is it safe to change our passwords on the site?” We received a handful of similar questions from customers today, so I wou…

April 11, 2014


Heartbleed: Transparency for our Customers

We know that communicating quickly and openly about security vulnerabilities can result in a little extra public attention for Cisco. As a trustworthy vendor, this is something we’re happy to accept. It’s recently been said that there is only one thing being discussed by IT security people rig…