
Monique Morrow


New Frontiers Development and Engineering

Monique Morrow is the CTO – Evangelist for New Frontiers Development and Engineering at Cisco as of November 2014.

Monique was the first CTO of Cisco Services from June 2013 to November 2014 where she lead the development of Cisco Services Technologies mapped to Services Customer Solution Reference Architecture that is now foundational for Cisco Customer Solutions implementation.

Monique has a track record of co-innovating with customers, that has transcended the globe from North America, Europe and Asia

Specialties: Networking technology; Grid, cloud computing, Intercloud-Federation, Internet of Things; M2M Security and E-Health; Semantic web; Business Development

Monique’s current focus in on the intersection between research - economics-technology to portfolio execution e.g. Circular and Exponential Economies as examples.

Synopsis of Sustainable Accomplishments

Monique was engaged with Cisco during the start-up days in the mid-1980s and has since returned to Cisco. Her unique 14+ year journey has taken her from Customer Advocacy to Corporate Consulting Engineering, with an emphasis on the Service Provider Segment. Monique has even held a position in the field [Asia-Pacific], where her goal was to not only build a technology team but to also train her successor as she transitioned her duties.

Monique bet on MPLS as a technology service enabler and was proven right. She was one of the leaders in the development of this critical business opportunity for Cisco in the Service Provider segment, Service Provider Next Gen Network (SP NGN).

Under Cisco’s Office of the CTO, both as an individual contributor and manager, Monique built a strong leadership team in Asia-Pacific. Her specific geo-area targets were China and India. Monique’s role in these important regions drove Cisco’s globalization and country strategies and met all of her targeted goals.

Monique has consistently demonstrated the willingness and courage to take risks and explore new market opportunities for Cisco. These innate qualities are part of her DNA and are of great value to the company and all the global organizations in which she is involved.

Monique has been recognized at Top Ten Influential IT Women in Europe 2014:


Monique is one of 6 Global Achievers recognized for the ITU and UN Women 2014 GEM-TECH Award:



Monique is the 2014 IEEE Region 8 Women in Engineering Clementina Saduwa Award Recipient.


Monique was an Inspiration Finalist for the 2015 FDM everywoman in Technology:


Monique has been selected to be part of the elite group of women for Connected World magazine’s 2015 Women of M2M/Internet of Things feature—or “WoM2M.”


Monique is also co-WISE Exec Sponsor at Cisco; advocate for Cisco Women in Technology and Cisco Women for Cybersecurity Communities.


Securing the Internet of Everything: An Architectural View

As a follow up to my introductory blog on Securing the Internet of Everything, I would like to discuss further the security implications that will comprise proposed framework. As the applications of the IoT/M2M affect our daily lives, whether it is in the Industrial Control, Transportation, Smartgri…

Summary: Securing the Internet of Everything: An Introduction

I recently kicked off a series about security and the Internet of Everything, a pivotal topic that starts with the roots of IoE, IoT and M2M, which I explore in more depth in the first post. Machine-to-Machine connections make up a huge portion of the Internet of Things, both general concepts for th…

Securing the Internet of Everything: An Introduction

Towards developing a Secure Architecture for the Internet of Everything, I plan to kick off a series of blogs around this pivotal topic. In discussing security and the Internet of Everything, the first question that comes to mind is, “Which segment of “everything” is one referring to?”.…

Gotta Love Fiber!

As President of Fiber to the Home Council Asia-Pacific, I am really excited about the forthcoming annual conference to be held in May 19-21, 2013 in Auckland, New Zealand. Let’s look at some of the compelling facts for the region: By year-end 2016, nine economies are forecasted to reach FTTx househo…

ICT for Girls, Women in Technology and a Dialogue at the European Union

April 25 2013 is a super day for girls and women in technology and Cisco was very present!  I am so energized by the fantastic people I met throughout the day commencing with a breakfast session Women2020 platform hosted by DIGITALEUROPE with the topic of Women In Science, Technology, Engineering an…

Tapping in Women Tech Talent: Our Opportunity!

On March 27 2013 I had the opportunity to participate at Cisco’s Women in Technology Forum with the theme, “Think Big, Play Big!” The event was particularly poignant as it was held under the publicity from Sheryl Sandberg’s provocative book and movement   “Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead”…

December 7, 2012


Cisco Gets a Gold Star for Tech-Policy and Standards Leadership

Innovation is often defined as novel technological invention. What is far less known about successful innovation efforts is that it takes a special breed of individual who possesses the rare combination of technical depth and sharp diplomatic skills. To be a successful innovator, one must be able to…

November 21, 2012


Cisco Endorses OpenStand at ITU-T in Dubai

Following the ITU hosted CTO meeting held in Dubai on November 18 2012, where I represented our CTO Padmasree Warrior, I had the pleasure to present at the ITU-T Global Standards Symposium [GSS] in Dubai on November 19 2012. This panel was of particular interest to us because Cisco observed a number…