
Michelle Dennedy

VP, Chief Privacy Officer

Security and Trust Organization

Michelle is the VP and Chief Privacy Officer at Cisco and works to raise awareness and create tools that promote privacy, quality, integrity, respect and asset level possibilities for data. Michelle is passionate about data privacy and protection, and for building better technology that matters. She works closely with families, executives, innovators and dreamers at all levels and in businesses & organizations at all stages to support the combination of policy, practice and tools.


September 14, 2017


Get Ready, Get Certified: Early Adoption of CBPR Makes Doing Business with Asia Easier

While the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enforcement deadline is less than a year away and it’s “all systems go” to get ready, privacy – like all other fundamental human rights – is not just a European issue. The specific rules and requirements might differ between jurisdictions, but t…

June 30, 2017


GDPR, Cisco and You

In less than a year from now, on May 25, 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be enforced, significantly increasing potential fines and costs for data processing in EU member countries and anywhere EU personal data is processed. GDPR replaces the existing patchwork of EU Natio…

June 7, 2017


When Women Happen to Things, Things Happen

Leonardo Da Vinci once said, “It had long come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.” Now is the time for women to make things happen. We have created a digital world knitted together by millions of connecte…

February 7, 2017


Data Privacy Day – A Quick Recap but a Full-time Commitment

On January 28, the international community observed Data Privacy Day, an annual effort to create awareness about the importance of privacy and protecting personal information. Cisco was honored to once again participate in the National Cyber Security Alliance’s (NCSA) Data Privacy Day events. Each y…

January 23, 2017


Privacy Is a Basic Human Right… and Good for Business, Too

We humans love to share and communicate. From the beginning of recorded history, we’ve sought connection, culture, and commerce by sharing aspects of ourselves with others. But we also want to be left alone without undue interference to lead our lives. So how do we solve this dichotomy? First off, l…

December 5, 2016


Cisco Signs on with Privacy Shield

As I blogged in July of this year, Cisco supports protecting and enabling the international flow of personal data that furthers a progressive economy. To that end, we received official word that we are loud, proud, and on the list for the Privacy Shield – the voluntary, self-certification framework…

July 12, 2016


The Good, the Bad, and certainly not Ugly EU-US Privacy Shield

In a nutshell, it’s a good thing! In a world that is digitising, safe global transfer of data is essential to a progressive economy. The Privacy Shield is a framework designed to provide EU-like data protection for personal data processed in the United States. Like ‘Safe Harbor’, ‘Privacy Shield’ is…

April 6, 2016


Privacy takes center stage in security discussions after years of being kept in the background

With the International Association of Privacy Professionals gathering this week to discuss evolving regulatory requirements and rising customer expectations, there’s no better time to talk about privacy. Privacy is an integral part of the digital transformation wave. As more countries, companies and…

March 25, 2016


Avoiding the Trust Cliff of Data Privacy

Data protection and privacy are red-hot topics right now, as they should be. We are facing a watershed moment that could determine government and organizational policy for years to come. Weighing personal privacy against national security, for instance, is not as cut-and-dry as it may first appear.…