
Jeremy McGuinn

Customer Support Engineer, Applied Security Intelligence COBC signed

Security Research & Operations

Jeremy McGuinn is a Customer Support Engineer in the Applied Security Intelligence group in Cisco where he researches and publishes mitigations for security advisories released by Cisco, Microsoft and other vendors. In over 7 years at Cisco Jeremy has focused on a wide range of security technologies including Network Access Control, Firewalls, VPN and Wireless Security. Prior to Cisco he spent 10 years as a systems engineer with Hughes Network Systems and the largest school system in Maryland, Montgomery County Schools. Jeremy is a member of North Carolina InfraGard.


October 18, 2013


DNS Knows. So Why Not Ask?

DNS is like the town gossip of the network infrastructure. Computers and apps ask DNS questions and you can ask DNS who has been asking to resolve malware domains. When internal trusted systems are using DNS to resolve the names of known malware sites, this can be an Indicator of Compromise and a wa…

May 29, 2013


Seven Things to Complete Before Deploying Cisco Identity Services Engine

Connected devices are spreading like kudzu on the Carolina roadside. Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) is a great way to manage the devices on your network and with implementing some best practices, I can say you will save time. Below are 7 ideas that will help: 1. Find an Executive Sponsor. Secu…