
Jen Palloni

Territory Business Manager

Northeast Territory Operations

Jen majored in political science at West Chester University of PA and her first job was with a state representative for PA. A chance interview with KBZ Communications was the start of a career in sales. Jen continued her career at KBZ, an exclusive Cisco distributor, for 8 years until recently when the company was acquired by Scansource.

Married for 8 years, mother to Roman (6) & Lincoln(1). Jen is a self-proclaimed foodie, who enjoys cooking and testing out new recipes on her family. In her free time, Jen is an avid runner training for her 3 marathons.


June 27, 2016


My First Week at Cisco

New challenges lead to the greatest rewards. That’s why, when I left a comfy job I had for many years, it wasn’t easy, but I jumped at the opportunity. Because working at Cisco has been a goal for me. The first week at any new job is an adventure (I’m a Territory Business Manager for Northeast Terri…