Cisco Blogs / Jeff Smith

Jeff Smith
Consulting Systems Engineer
Customer Interaction Solutions (CIS – Central Region)
Jeff Smith is a person who cherishes his family while balancing a professional career in Telephony for 20+ years. Having been married to his high school sweetheart for 28+ years with 3 children, 2 grandchildren, he has managed to flourish in his professional career as well. Starting in the Alarm System industry performing professional installation and service, set the stage for his move into the Telephony Industry in 1995 with Cincinnati Bell Telephone. This was a great fit for his unique skill set of working with his hands, energy, and coupled with the personality of a salesperson. With these attributes, he quickly was promoted from residential technician to business technician in 2 short years. Working in the business Telephony field increased his skill set by allowing him to travel the United Sates performing installation and service to fortune 500 companies and others. He completed his tenure with Cincinnati Bell Telephone 10 years later and decided it was time to see the other side of the business, the customer side of Telephony. He began working at TriHealth Hospitals for 5 years deploying and supporting 10,000+ employees for communication needs, 3 major Cincinnati Hospitals and 100+ remote offices. This opportunity provided more than just hands on experience, it provided the planning, selling, deployment and support sides as well. Allowing him to take his people skills to the next level, creating opportunity to act as the “advisor” to the business and provide vision for the corporation. His next move to help round out his skills sets was to see what it was like on the Cisco Partner side. He worked as a Senior Sales Architect designing complex Contact Center systems for 2+ years. Having the extensive background from all these experiences has led him to his current position at Cisco Systems in the role of Consulting Systems Engineer. In this role, he provides technical consulting, sales enablement and customer support when needed. He considers this to be an all-encompassing skill role that completes him, although he is always looking for the next “skill” to learn and advance from it.
Outside of work, Jeff cherishes spending time with his family. He loves going off-roading with his wife and (now grown) kids in his 1978 Jeep CJ-7 that he has built with his own 2 hands. He enjoys riding his Harley Road Glide CVO on warm days and taking extended trips on it, Sturgis being an example of this twice. His grandchildren are at the center of spare time with Lane being 3 years old and Mia less than 1. They are quite enjoyable! He also gives back to humanity by donating financially as well as his time to Servants Heart Haiti mission. He has now gone 4 times to the country to help the community out. Feel free to reach out to him thru social media like Facebook or Twitter.
Cisco Helps Me to Help Haiti
What makes Cisco different? It’s not rare for companies to allow some time for volunteering and giving back, yet Cisco goes above and beyond and truly adheres to the mantra, “Giving back is in our DNA.” The difference – Cisco allows me (along with all of their full time employees) the unique opportu…
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