Moving Towards The Zero Trust Cybersecurity Framework – A Practical Approach
The original Zero Trust model was conceived by Forrester, and leveraged by Google as part of their BeyondCorp initiative. Gartner has their framework called Continuous Adaptive Risk and Trust Assessment (aka. CARTA). These trust-centric approaches shift access decisions based on network topology to…
Why Organizations With Sensitive Research or Intellectual Property Need a Zero Trust Cybersecurity Framework Approach
The emergence of Zero Trust has shifted the center focus of some security frameworks from securing the perimeter to protecting sensitive data. While both are extremely important, this shift to a sensitive data-centric framework has advantages. To further understand the benefits of Zero Trust, consid…
Moving Towards The Zero Trust Cybersecurity Framework?
The first step should be an investigation and analysis of what your sensitive data is, where it lives, and who accesses it. Then analyze the three Foundational Pillars (see below) to see where you are with the necessary people, process, and technology basics. Most organizations should leverage the r…
Reducing the Attack Surface: Takeaways from the 2015 Annual Security Report
As the Cisco 2015 Annual Security Report shows, current security approaches aren’t sufficient. Attackers are shifting methods and becoming more sophisticated in their approaches, users are unwittingly complicit enablers, and defenders struggle to keep up with all of these things. It is time for defe…