
Bob Stanberry

Senior Law Enforcement Advisor

Chief Bob Stanberry is dedicated to helping the criminal justice, government, and public safety communities improve the use of technology to provide clear visions that clearly impact investments and increase agency efficiency and safety. Before joining Cisco, Chief Bob Stanberry spent over 16 years in law enforcement, justice, safety, and security in both,  public and private sectors. During this time, he was assigned to the uniform division, criminal investigation division, SWAT team, technical services division, and the grants and finance division.


May 16, 2014


#CiscoPublicSafety Series Kick-Off: New Technologies in Public Safety Systems

We are very excited to announce the beginning of our new blog series on public safety. This series will include a number of posts that examine the intersection of technology and public safety as well as identify solutions to promote greater awareness and action. Having worked in this field for over…